The Sacred Belongs to TruthThe sacred belongs to truth. Truth is what is true. What is true in life? Are beliefs true? Or do beliefs belong to the inner world of the psychological thinking of man? Is the inner world of the psychological thinking of mankind truth? If it is, then truth is a divided place indeed, for the inner psychological field of man is a divided place. Each man and every group of men, each organisation, each religion, every nation, holds their own inner psychological truth. The sacred is found where truth is found. Truth is found in what is actual, not in what is not actual. What is not actual has its own truth, but this is not the truth. What is not actual is what may be imagined, which may reflect truth or falsehood, but what is imagined, held in thought, in consciousness, reflective of truth accurately or not, can never be the truth, for a reflection does not contain that which is begin reflected. Truth is what mankind needs to find. As relevant a statement this day as it has been since the dawning of all time. Is time a truth? Time is within the nature of the inner psychological world of human psychological thought, is it not? And we have already well established that this inner area of man may reflect truth or falsehood, but in itself is not itself capable of holding truth. In similar fashion, human thinking may accurately reflect the world around and inside them in thought, but far more prolific is a distortion of a true reflection due to the conditioning divisive nature of brain programming and conditioning which is instilled into every child during early formative years, which naturally comes to colour and distort what would be an otherwise clear view of what consists of the world around and inside us, which is the same for each and every one of us. The word 'Universe' means one song. Truth is not found in the past. The past was a truth, but what came before has died to present moment truth, for truth is a living, sacred, whole, and so a holy thing. Living as it dies, dying as it lives. The past is the inner psychological field of mankind and this past is time and this past is knowledge and this past is the incessant movement of thought within every human brain which drives the lives of every human being, both on an isolated individual level and collectively, as nation, religion, ideology, political entity, or self-interested self-titled wealth driven members of the 'World Economic Forum'. Here, the lower and the higher, the small and the large occupy an identical nature. Thought is dead matter in motion, because thought is the movement of the past, founded on knowledge which is always old and truth is a living thing. Thought seeks security in a constant process of adding to itself moving towards a future in continuity of psychological time, this is the very flow of thought, its inherent programmed nature, which brings the dead to life and offers a sense of continuity and a feeling of solidity where in truth, there is neither to be found in life or death, seeking completion in a future state comprising of a building up and adding to its own divisive nature in a process of never ending continuity. Seeking to grow the dead, the old and the past into a formidable stability. That which never ends never arrives, and so ‘progress’ is a journey without completion, completion, is whole, and whole is ‘holy’, and so progress is an unholy approach to life. Life has arrived, progress is always incomplete. Thought is dead because thought arises from memory and memory is always of things past. Thought brings conflict and war to the ever suffering world of mankind. Founded on past experiences which is the ground all thought stands upon, thought moves within a field of divisively accumulated past experiences. No man can or does experience everything there is to experience, and so thought, never complete, is divisive among men, giving rise to divisive self-interested actions and a divided house can never stand. Thought, well intentioned or other, is no tool to utilise to solve the many complex, brutal and long standing societal and personal problems which thought itself has been responsible for giving rise to. Thought is never sacred, the sacred is holy and the holy arises from completion and has immediate relationship to the word ‘whole’, which is a similar word to ‘complete’. That which is not sacred, not complete, not whole, and so not holy, is ever seeking its completion, this is the movement of thought ever seeking greater completion in a projected future, which is named ‘progress’. Progress is a never ending divisive action among our race arising from our thinking processes, arising from our stored and acted on past experiences. Progress is a movement out of sync with this entire Universe, which moves and exists, lives and dies in absolute completion. Seeking ‘progress’ is a futile exercise which maintains divisions among men and forever keeps any possibility of meeting the actual true, sacred, living religious and holy quality of what life actually is (not aimed towards) to his heart and mind. Knowledge can never complete. The nature of knowledge is a fragmentary and so divisive thing. No matter the knowledge gathered, there is always more to gather. Always more to know. The sacred, whole, complete, and ‘holy’ has no quality of gathering because it is complete in itself. And so the sacred has no need for time, for it has no need to improve upon itself, in fact, improvement is impossible to perfection, and truth, is nothing other than complete perfection. There is nothing beyond truth. Only progress, an ever incomplete action, requires time, for progress finds its life in movement from past to future. Progress is the curse of humanity. It limits his life to advancing what came before and so limits his life to a constant repetition of the same. Our race ends up living in a descending pattern of chaos, for what came before is in a process of continuity and what continues carries inherent decay and degeneration. Look no further then the classroom children of training this day endorsed by the education and political systems as being suitable to prepare all children for the complexities of life which lie ahead. No past exists in the world of truth, in the world of completion, in the world of the whole and so the 'holy'. The past is forgotten, the past is dead and over and so there is no yesterday, and so never a single thing ever needing to be forgiven. Need you forgive that which has already died? The 'future' is a thought based concept known only to mankind which exists within the grey matter of his memory, there is no future to truth, there is only a future to that which lives in and values a continuity of the past and this ‘future’ is a mere modified continuity in the world of man of that which came before. Forever marching in the same position digging a deeper hole which must inevitably come to bring his life to eternal darkness due the the absolute fact that that which persists encounters greater and greater degeneration. Offering a sense of ‘progress’, which holds inherent decay within its structure, a desired for greater completion of that which can only know incompletion by virtue of its innate structure, built on a ground of fragmentation, limited to the past. The deep and vast challenges of mankind this day, set in motion by the limitation of knowledge arising from the thinking minds of men seeking the continuity of their isolated pasts into a greater aggrandisement of the same in their projected isolated futures, is a physical and spiritual battle alike which can only be successfully resolved by the birth of what religion actually truly is. What religion actually is, is truth. Truth is found in ‘what is’. This is the unifying principle for all men, for truth is the same for all of us. Thought, beliefs, identities and attachments divide us. What is is not what it is believed to be, identified in, nor projected as. These are all movements of and within the inner psychological nature of men, seeking security where security can never be found, in the eternal continuity of that which is not true, that which belongs to knowledge. Knowledge is not truth, because ‘to know’ anything is to refer to the past, as that which is known is always past, always over and the past is dead to truth, which is a living thing. A living thing is in constant movement, and dies as it lives, letting go of what has previously been that what is arising may arrive. This is the nature of all of creation. And creation, is the ground of the sacred. Can mankind find truth? Why not? Mankind can invent weapons capable of destroying all life on earth, mankind can deceive himself seeking ‘order’ through a continuity of what has only ever brought disorder and mankind can build this world of great tyranny and disorder in the name of ‘better’. In the name of ‘progress’ Mankind can aim for Mars and invent technological devices of great wonder and possibility and mankind can destroy the lives of mankind with the exact same wonders. Why can mankind not come to truth? Mankind has great energies; can these energies not be applied in another direction than into a conceptually divisive destructive decaying irreligious future? As a race, we have always and without diversion, sought the continuity of knowledge, our lives and every action have followed the direction of our thinking. The ‘Great Reset’ this day is a perfect example of our continuing personal and communal lunacy, the thinking minds of those who have named themselves ‘elitists’ (like all of divisive humanity, these people like to isolate themselves from others seeking security in being or becoming something isolated and divided from all others), and these people are leading our world into their projected self-interested isolated and dangerous directions. Such action is always catastrophic for mankind as a whole, for the future aimed for has been projected from knowledge giving rise to the thought processes within the lives and brains of those who project such continuity from their limited past. In this case, these are the members of the ‘World Economic Forum’, the titled nobility, the wealth, the technocrats, bankers, celebrities and business leaders of this world. The men and women of highest numerical wealth. These people have arisen in our world to such stature, not because of any innate intelligence they hold, not because of any great wisdom, certainly not through the possession of any demonstrable visible sense of empathy or compassion for their fellow man, for were this the case, our world would be a far better place for so many than it is this day. Were empathy and compassion, love and care the nature of the collective persona behind their gold plated business cards, we would not be living in a world where a child dies every five seconds from hunger and an estimated thirty-six trillion sits doing nothing in tax havens built for that sole purpose and legalised and made possible by their political self interested and equally isolated friends. We are not criticising, we are merely stating observable facts, and facts have a quality of truth to them, although facts are not synonymous with the sacred quality of that which truth actually is. Virtue is not an inherent component of what leads this world this unfortunate day. And so what right does it have to lead? Why are the numerically wealthy and heritage based entitled given the keys and the road to lead all of humanity into their projected isolated uncaring, unloving future seeking their greater completion which must be to the detriment of the vast majority of humanity, for the lives of the vast majority of humanity falls outside of their past experiences from which their thoughts and actions arise? This is demonstrable in their very words, straight from the horse’s mouth as it were. I will provide an example, one from countless. Rishi Sunak, the Indian born Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, is on camera as stating he has no working class friends. And so no experience of the lives of the working class. No experience means no consideration, for the consideration of thought is limited to the total content of forever limited knowledge from which thought arises within the accumulated memories of every brain. And so, these people, Rishi and his 'wealth' (numbers) salivating ilk, are a very poor choice to lead our world. In fact, economic considerations always are. But then, there was never any choice, was there? There was an illusion of choice, limited to a voting station and a polling booth. And a system rigged for the benefit of a few massive egos in powerful positions. Who else, comes to such position in life? Who else, other than the massively self interested, enters the battlefield of global competition, standing on the lives of all others to reach such pinnacle of rot? The reason numerical wealth has taken control of this world of men is that numerical wealth, in a world which values perceived growth in measured time as the most noble of all causes, considers a greater completion in those massive self interested egos perceived to have accumulated the most. Accumulation is inherent to the limited structure of a time based seeking of completion of that which can never know completion, which is knowledge, which is thought, which is human action, and the very central structure of our society itself as it is. For the benefit of all of humanity, this insanity needs to end. That which is complete within itself is whole, and so has no need to accumulate a single thing, and no desire to seek to do so. And so, apparent as it seems to minds similarly conditioned, which is the vast majority of mankind, conditioned to this destructive egotistic attitude towards life, the sad and disturbing fact is this. That men of the greatest accumulation are the most successful within the psychological knowledge based destructive self-led world of that which limits mankind. A divisive, competitive, uncaring, self-interested pathological psychological movement drives this world and the lives of every man, a movement which denies love and care, compassion and empathy for others and conflicts within itself. No matter if it lives a billion years, forever seeking more, forever seeking greater security, the human ego can never know the actual security which is only ever to be found resting in truth, resting in the sacred quality of life, resting in a religious mind. For 'more' is a destination never reached. A religious mind is free of movement, and so able to perceives life as it is. This is to look at life through the whole of the mind, which is a holy mind, free from the distortions of self-interest and bias arising from past accumulated experiences. This is a silent mind, free to look at life as it is. Void of self, void of ego. What is ‘religion’? What does this word, believed in by so many, conceptualised into over four thousand and two hundred beliefs, even mean? What is the truth of this word? The truth of this word has nothing to do with what is thought about the truth of this word, for what is thought about the truth is of this word is broken into every divisive belief totalling over four thousand on this divided and destructively led planet, the only home for all of mankind. Is truth divisible? If truth is divided, it cannot be truth, for truth is a holy and sacred thing, and a holy thing is ‘whole’, and so complete in itself and so the nature of truth is the same for every man whose life is blessed enough to find it. Sadly, so few have these ever been, and their words have almost consistently been corrupted by those either finding them impossible to understand or lacking in the required passion to do so. And yet find truth, is what mankind now must do. The day has never been so late. The direction knowledge, and so thinking, and so divided roads seeking completion where completion can never be found are leading us has never been so precipitous for so many of the lives of men. Religion is the only possible cornerstone for a new culture to grow. For this to happen, the society of divisive ‘progress’ and bloody war led aggressive love denying competition must die and be so understood to never arise again to cast a dark show down over the lives of humanity. Success need be realised for the utter failure it has led our lives into. Knowledge is no ascent of man. Knowledge is the continuity of the smouldering ashes of a murderously divisive past seeking greater completion and domination over those divided against into a conceptual future. Knowledge is always of the past. Always divisive. Always limited and limiting. There is nothing creative, living, sacred, nor whole and so holy, in the nature of the continuity of that which is now dead and over. And yet, this is the ground humanity now and forever seems to have stood upon. How alarming this is, when you come to see it as factual, beyond all words. This ground of divisive knowledge need be broken, seen to be the danger it is, seen to be the limitation to life ever present it is, seen to be the divisive factor between men and within every man, seen to be the immense danger it is and always has been. The cause of every war the cause of the death of every innocent child, the cause of trafficking, the immorality of leaders and led and the injustices this patterned mould of disorder has always brought to the lives of all of mankind through all of time, ever seeking to better that which needs to end. Knowledge is burning our world greater and faster than any self-proclaimed issue of global warming. Knowledge is disappearing millions of children a year, trafficked into a demanded sex trade industry and even worse. Knowledge is sexualising our children in the classroom, which professes to be educating them. I could go on and on and on. Such are the virtues of the voiced and accepted ‘ascent of man’. Pardon the French, Bullshit. Knowledge is what is known, accumulated from the past, knowledge is accumulated in the brains of every human being, and knowledge gives birth to every thought. Thought drives every divisive human action. And divisive human action has built the society we all live within and fear and suffer and die under this day. A society which can only ever give birth to a creative loving, sacred, caring, and truly beautiful culture, through the action of ending our lives being driven by limited and divisive knowledge. Which would have to be a death. Of what? Of the human 'self' the 'ego', a societally conditioned conceptual entity within memory responsible for the never ending continuity of the misery of our race, walking hand in hand with our perceived 'progress', towards a destination which never arrives. Society is not only external to our lives; society is internal to our lives. The very birth of this corruption, (the word itself means to break into pieces), is born from our actions, which are born from our patterns of thinking, which are born from societal indoctrination, national, political, religious, ideological and otherwise. And so here, within the psychological nature of mankind, (which is you), is where society must come to end. The revolution needed to give birth to a caring culture from a murderous societal brainwashing programmed psychological state is within the brain cells of every one of us. And so our lives are as far from incompetent to impact this dangerous time and place as we may have previously imagined them to be. We are the change the world needs to see. Society has arisen in the nature of what we are. The salvation of our world and the birth of a good and caring culture, (not a ‘better’ society, which is the same destructive fragmented movement of knowledge seeking a completion never to be found which has led us here), is an action which must be built from the ground up. The roots of this issue are what need to die. It is of little benefit to cut at the branches or to trim the leaves of an offending growth in any garden. The same will be found to grow back, only all the more virulently. The outer society, so distasteful to all that is good in life, the incessant call for ‘bettering’ that which needs to end, is of similar nature to this. To hack at the outer manifestations of such despotism and corruption is only for the same distasteful manifestation to grow back even stronger in nature. We need get to the roots. Let’s trace back to those roots once more. Society is built from the divisive actions and relationships of men, naturally divisive, as actions arise from thinking, and thinking is rooted in knowledge and knowledge is the ground of accumulated past experiences which differ between every man, and so divide one man’s life from another. Thought is the root of all of this insane chaos. We have arrived at the root. If this root can die, the whole of the structure of this immorality and despotism will shrivel and die. Hurrah! Where is thought necessary to life? Thought is knowledge, and knowledge is what we have remembered from past experiences, tradition heritage and education. This has its place. Thought can never, nor is it desirable to be, forever removed from the lives of men. Knowledge has its place. In fact, knowledge has many places of immense value. Where knowledge has no place is in building an egotistical centre within the mind of every man identified to birth name which hypnotises him into believing his life is the very centre of the entire universe. Neither is its place to join together in a forum of similarly self-interested, limited and so divisive and so destructive egos of great magnitude to decide upon the direction the entirety of humanity must be driven towards. The roots of this issue are what need to die. Thought is needed to drive a car, to work skilfully within the limits of every occupation, to play a musical instrument to paint or sculpt a work of art, to find your way home, to speak a language, to bake a cake, and to place the contents of your home in orderly fashion. Thought has a billion uses and places where it is indispensable to life. Can thought find its useful place and remain there? This is the accurate etymological meaning of the word ‘art’, to put everything in its right place. The greatest of all arts, is the art of living. And this, is what we need to find, before the art of self interest and the dictatorship it must lead to, removes this glorious and sacred potential from our race. Can thought cease entirely to build a sense of psychological self based on past experiences, beliefs, education, societal status, name and wealth? This is the nature of the self which is breaking the lives of so many this day, in the name of ‘building back better’. This is the psychological root of every atrocity which has ever been committed by one man, or group of people, against a perceived 'other'. This is also the nature of the psychological ground you stand upon. Do not seek to right the wrongs you perceive outwardly before you first tackle the wrongs which live within you in every movement of self-interested divisive action in the life which you daily participate within in the name of your divisive self. Society has been built by every one of us. We are the root of the problem. We are what has to change. And a change demands an ending to what came before. And an ending is a death. If our race is to survive its own ubiquitous madness, then it is time for mankind to come to understand completely the dangers of living life in an egotistic self-centred existence. We must come to find the sacred quality of meeting life as nothing. Nothing, is ‘no-thing’, and a named, identified, categorised, accumulated ‘self’, finding security within its own limited circle of divisive knowledge, is a thing. An ugly thing. If you are self-aware at all, if you do not spend your suffering life escaping into drugs, alcohol, over indulgence in sex, Netflix, pointless chatter or otherwise, you are already well aware of this fact. The world of inner psychological thought is a conflicted and divisive place. Divisive between itself and the lives of all others as easily as divisive and so conflicted within itself. Divisions bring conflict to life and conflict brings suffering. And so the lives of humanity have never been free from sorrow. Can this sorrow end? Can self-interest end? Same question, different words. The ending of traditional and societally educated conceptual self-named ego, identified by a million different names, thousands of divided beliefs, thousands of political ideologies, divided numerical wealth so illusory and inconsequential it is now represented by numbers, thin air and empty space, divided families, divided organisations, divided occupations, divided qualifications, divided institutions, divided governments, divided businesses, divided ‘unions’, divided outlooks, divided values, divided thinker and thought, divided desires, divided depressions, fears anxieties and concerns. And more. And the root of all these divisions is thought. It is thought needs brought to revolution to impact the lives of human beings. The inner psychological life of every man is found in collective gasping in greatest monumental manifestation within the decaying bark on the dying tree of this fatally wounded society. This society begins to transform into a flowering, caring, loving and sacred culture, when the life of each human being begins to do the same. The revolution we need is within each one if us. If you look within at the inner structure of your inner nature which is the pattern which has built this outer society of decay which has flowered into such perceptible madness today as the 'Great Reset', (but no less so than the perceptible madness of every conceptual divisions all human beings participate in), you will certainly find your inner nature to be just as fragmented, and so just as divided and so just as corrupted a place. Where there is any division, there must be conflict, there must be violence, there must be contradiction, dishonesty and hypocrisy. The hypocrisy of ‘building back better’ by setting the world on fire. The hypocrisy of seeking to bring into being a better world than this, without realising that the same corruption and dishonesty lives within the hearts of every man, as so clearly displays in the dishonest acts and so duplicity in the lives of almost every politician and member of titled gentry this unfortunate day as in the lives of the majority of the general population. Quick to conflict, quick to dishonesty and immorality. Quick to self interest and no interest in the lives of others. To all others, your life is the life of another. You see a problem here? As you give, so you receive. How does one observe this inner corruption of ‘ego’ which is oneself, which is representative of every human being alive today? How does one simply look, at that what is being seen, which is the inner corruption of mankind which eternally leads his life to divisive outer action leading to eternal sorrow, so that the root of all of this inner and outer collective chaos, which is the human psychological thought based ‘self’, the ‘ego’ may come to be understood? And what is it that looks? What is there to look? Is thought looking? Is memory of having seen this inner movement previously the nature of the observer to the human psychological mind in perpetual movement? Is memory, the past, dividing itself to look at itself? If it is, if knowledge is looking at knowledge, then here we find another division. The division of an observer in the area of thinking taking the form of a thinker, (which is the past), and the current movement and flow of thought itself. (Which is also the past). And a division is always a conflict. This is the ever present potential inner conflict between thinker and thought. The thinker, is knowledge of what has previously been seen, and when knowledge looks at thought, which is also knowledge, nothing is truly seen other than past memory which obscures access to the flow of thought, which is also memory. For when you look at memory through a memory of memory, the living quality of this dead past in eternal chattering movement, is lost. In actuality, this inner division is not true. The thinker, is the thought. Thought dividing itself between thinker and thought is a societally educated identification to name, past experiences and time based traditions of humanity, all of which the human brain has found a sense of security living within. A feeling of being and becoming ‘some-thing’. And this sense of security destroys all true security, removes mankind from a connection to a living sacred quality of life, destroys love and relationship and reduces the living immense beauty of life into an eternally sorrow filled war torn, bloodied and suffering affair. This is an irreligious way of living, no matter the religious beliefs one carries and identifies with offering a sense of security where there is none to be found. This observer of the inner nature of thinking is a fragment within a larger fragmented field of divisive knowledge, and this is the same observer which looks at life. This is the totality of the limited accumulated divisive experiences of the past. This is the human ‘ego’ which divides every man from every other man and this is the ego which divides man psychologically and brings as much suffering to life in the inward nature of mind as it does to his outer psychical existence. This is the human ‘self’, carefully placed during twelve school years of mechanical memorisations, carefully nurtured by parents and society alike through the totality of life, this is the ghost within the mechanical machine like structure of the present day operation of the human brain. This is the entity responsible this day for the ‘Great Reset’, this is the entity responsible for every war, every atrocity, every disappeared child and every insult ever embarked upon against another man’s life. This is the human self, the observer, the thinker, the knower, the believer, the patriot, the past, the certainty, the bias and prejudice, the desire, the fear, the dictator and the dictated, the certain and the confident, the lost and the forlorn, the highest king, the lowest street sleeper, the saint and the sinner. This ‘self’, this isolated observer to life which divides every man, one from another, behind walls of prejudice and past experiences, this accumulation of time based experience, identity, wealth, possession, belonging and name, is what needs to end. No man can do this for any other. Heaven is real. It is in front of you this very moment, only this 'ego', this 'self', founded on memory, is blocking perception of this sacred quality of life found only in direct perception of the present moment. And yet for humanity relationship to this present moment is only a potential. How odd. And yet it remains our highest potential. Not the continuity of knowledge. Not the travelling to Mars, not building back better, not the chipping of human brains, the turning of humanity into machines in an age of 'trans-humanism', not the continuity of wars which have never left our sides in all of recorded history, and themselves are a flower on the tree of our eternal divisive conflict which grows from this inner destructive isolated ubiquitous destructive root living and growing divisively within every member of our human race. Unless a man be born again he cannot enter the kingdom. To be born again, what you are this day, must die. The death which facilitates a rebirth in the life of a man is the death which is the birth of an entirely new kind of civilisation. The death of the human ego, the death of self-interest, the death of selfishness, the death of progress in the name of making better, a continuity from the rock, the bow and arrow, the knife, the sword, the cannon, the gun, to atomic bomb and laser heat rays from space. The death of all psychological divisions between and within every man. The death of valuing valueless paper and digital numbers as wealth. The death of finding security in leaders in the name of religion, politics and all other and so the awakening of one’s own intelligence free from the limited bondage of past accumulated knowledge. The death of societal divisions, one man sitting on a golden chair owning a full one sixth of this planetary surface, the life given home from which every life is grown, as so many fear for their lives seeking a safe corner on a cold and wet dangerous street corner. The ending of the deaths of over six million innocent children not provided a morsel enough to sustain their so short lives in world of overflowing abundance. And why? Is it because each member of the human race is rather totally occupied with him ‘self’? With this bag of accumulated concepts offering no road to travel other than into a greater mundanity of sorrow filled continuity of division, greater wars and conflicts, all in the name of ‘progress’? We have travelled outwardly very far. We have travelled to the wonders of technology this day which now include micro-bots able to enter (or invade) the human body, in equal measure and potential to do good, or to harm, dependent on the intention of the isolated psychological knowledge based self, (ego), which instigates the action. This world has gone so wrong. And the reason why, lies within each one of us. Without book, without direction, without motive, without help, plan, map, or concept, can you bring your inner psychological world to complete understanding? Can you end the present divisive nature of the human mind which lives within? Can you end every psychological movement of self, which is thinker, which is thought, which is belief patriotism, name, memory, identity, education, title, wealth, can you end every sense of that which provides your life with a divisive sense of security against another, understanding that the other is doing exactly the same, against your life? Can you bring to an end the constant inner occupation of the human psyche within itself, between thinker and thoughts? Thought is forever occupied. That which is occupied, is never free. As this society, as it must, seeks to place your life and hold it eternally in chains this day, (or worse) can you cease to resist this inner and outer self interested desirous calling of the limited lives of 'wealth' driven infantile minds, (as all our minds this day are infantile, for they have no understanding of their own nature), can you begin to look within to bring your life to true freedom? Without seeking freedom as a motive. For to do so is to continue in time that which needs to end. Simply, to look. Without freedom from psychological incessant occupation, there can be no peace in any man’s heart, without peace in a man’s heart, there can be no love, and without love there is no religion and so there is no culture. Without love, there are wars, hatred, deaths of little children and there are billionaires, there are temples and churches by the million. But there is not the quality of the sacred in a single man’s heart. And there never can nor will be until mankind has freed himself from the root movement which brings so much division, occupation, sense of progress, manic accumulation, fear, suffering and war, into his life. So named individual and collective, which are one and the very same. For life is not found in any number of words. And to come to life, words must cease to hold the significance this day they hold over the human mind and heart. To come to life that which is not life, must come to end, and to repeat, an ending is a death. The ego of man is a movement inwardly of words and images. Both belong to the remembered past. The past is dead to life. To find life, to find the sacred, to find love and to find relationship, to be a true pioneer in an inner and outer world of such corruptions in the name of nobility and progress, in the name of wealth and justice, in the morality of immorality, one must look within and learn. (Not memorise, but learn by seeing). Carve your own path to understand the complexities of your own inner nature, (which is the nature of every human being in this world), and so ultimately come to meet your own psychological death of that which is so destructive to your own life and to the lives of all humanity. End that which brings such misery to your own life and sows the seed of chaos onto the lives of all. This is the pattern of our thinking as it is this day functioning. If you are diligent in this pursuit, you will come to see the danger of how you are living psychologically, and this perception will act. We always act to remove our lives from a danger, without thought.
This is the human self, the inner societally brainwashed mechanism of the human ego. Be reborn into a complete view of life free from past corruption or future desire. Free from all which divides you from another and within your 'self' and brings your life to eternal sufferance, free from that which divides your life from another and is this day so closed and captured in the hands of the powerful few with no understanding at all of their own inner natures or of life, (just like the rest of mankind), however, these people are collectively close to bringing our race to a point of no return, in the hands of words and images and in the hands of knowledge. In the hands of divisive actions led by incomplete and so unholy minds. In the hands of the past, in the hands of ego driven thought led selfishly desired actions of men caught in the upper tiers of the trap of 'progress' forever seeking 'more', though they hold more than can be spent in a million years, and so are manifesting the greatest physical corruption this world faces as they remove from the lives of others what is truly needed. Give back to life what belongs to life and return to death what belongs to death. Walk away from the divisive immorality of this society which lives and breathes in the programmed divisive structure of the inner human ego. And above all, find out what it means to be the change this world needs to see.
AuthorHello to all, I am a 60 year old man who has spent the best part of his life studying the teachings of J.Krishnamurti. My name is Henryk. I am rather unimportant, although what I talk about on these pages, has great importance. Particularly today, in this dark world, led by men of infinite wealth, unfortunately without the intelligence to match. My work here stands on the shoulders of that of J.Krishnamurti. Without this man's passion and great life understanding, this website would never have existed. His effect on my own life has been immeasurable. A man of infinite vision and wisdom, who spent over 60 years of his life travelling the world and discussing life and societal problems. Krishnamurti passed away in the 1980s. Anyone interested in the nature of discussion in the content of this site, will likely find great interest in the work of Krishnamurti. Hundreds of videos may be found on YouTube. There is a link above dedicated to his work to which new content is planned to be regularly added. The beauty of truth in life, is that it is identical for each one of us. Truth is the place we all come to meet in unity. And truth belongs to no man. Only pointless opinions, divisive, traditional, educated into and gathered by us, may be claimed as ownership. The change in our world so desperately needed this day, is within us, not external to our lives. All man's actions begin in the area of human thinking, it is this needs understood and brought to revolution. Thanks for taking the time to visit, a few posts are being added to the site weekly at the moment, when I find time. If you would like to support the work here, you can do so from the price of a cup of coffee each month, contributors are invited to online discussions. If you would like to contribute, our Patreon page may be found at the following address: Archives
September 2023
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